Too Good
I mean what can I say other than its just too good? They give you free in game items all the time and you hardly ever need to make any micro transactions if you even need to at all. Its fun. Its cute. It has all your favorite characters (well almost). They have even introduced wardrobe changes for characters. You can have 5 characters with you in battle that have 3 equipment slots each: A weapon, armor, and an accessory. The only draw backs to this game is to this game are the abilities and the fact that you have stamina. You can only equip two abilities for each character and the abilities have usages. So instead of characters having mana they all get flat ability usages. This can be a pain in longer event dungeons. Just use your abilities wisely. The stamina issue is the only thing I find myself struggling with. If I have to retreat from a boss in a high stamina dungeon I feel like Ive wasted everything and feel unmotivated to try again because I could be using that stamina to farm orbs and the such. If the app was a flat amount of money and got rid of the stamina so I could play to my hearts content, you bet I would buy.
But all in all its a great app. All your favorite final fantasy characters and bosses all in one place. Brings a tear to my soulless and heartless corpse.